
Top 5 best motorcycle rides in Vietnam for ADV riders

3 Jun

Top 5 best motorcycle rides in Vietnam for ADV riders

Gearing up for an epic Vietnamese adventure? Hold on tight! We’re about to unveil the Top 5 Motorcycle Rides in Vietnam for ADV riders. From challenging mountain passes to breathtaking coastal roads, get ready to discover Vietnam’s stunning landscapes and unforgettable riding experiences with Vietnam Biker Mates.


Top 5 Motorcycle Rides in Vietnam for ADV riders 

1. Ha Giang loop – Epic Mountain Motorcycle Ride in Vietnam


  • Limestone Cliffs: The route features stunning limestone cliffs that cling to dramatic cliff sides.
  • Rice Paddies: You’ll ride through picturesque rice paddies that stretch across the landscape.
  • Cultural experiences: Along the way, you’ll learn more about diverse ethnic groups in the region providing a unique cultural experience such as: Visiting Vuong’s palace, learn about culture and customs of H’mong people at traditional villages and local markets. 
  • River: Take a boat trip to outstanding and beautiful Nho Que River, combined with Tu San alley, creating a spectacular natural wonder in Ha Giang.

challenging switchbacks in Ha Giang loop - best motorcycle rides in Vietnam


Type of terrain: 

  • Paved road
  • Rock road 
  • Dirt/gravel roads
  • Shallow mud
  • Wet grass
  • Challenging switchbacks
  • Steep inclines/declines
  • Water crossing 


ride motorcycle in a muddy road in ha giang - best motorcycle rides in Vietnam

Time to ride

The best time to ride the Ha Giang loop – epic mountain motorcycle ride in Vietnam is during the dry season, particularly from January to May. This period offers minimal rain and the time of many flowers in the Northeast such as peach blossoms, plum blossoms, Bauhinia bloom throughout the village. And especially from September is the time when the terraced fields dyed yellow by ripe rice flowers in the harvest season create a more beautiful natural picture than ever that any adv riders can not miss.

Quan Ba Twin Mountain-Fairy Mountain - Epic Mountain Motorcycle Ride in Vietnam

Read more>>>Vietnam motorbike trip in September : Best itinerary for riders 2024

2. Northwest loop – Spectacular Rice Terrace Motorcycle Ride in Vietnam 


  • Rice Terraces: The route takes you through the stunning rice terraces of Mu Cang Chai and Sapa – the land of the most beautiful rice terraces in Vietnam.
  • Mountain Views: Explore majestic mountain view and conquer Vietnam’s 3 highest & most daring mountain passes.
  • Cultural experiences : The loop traverses areas inhabited by diverse ethnic groups, offering a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Vietnam’s cultural heritage.
  • Waterfalls: This is also considered the land of many waterfalls with extremely magical and majestic beauty such as: Thac Bac waterfall, Dai Yem waterfall, Thung Nai waterfall,…etc. 

Thac Bac waterfall in sapa, vietnam - best motorcycle rides in Vietnam

Type of terrain:

  • Paved road 
  • Rock road 
  • Dirt/gravel roads
  • Shallow mud
  • Wet grass
  • Challenging switchbacks
  • Steep inclines/declines
  • Water crossing 


rice terrain in mu cang chai in harvest season - best motorcycle rides in Vietnam

Time to ride:

The best time for motorbike ride in Vietnam’s Northwest loop is during the spring, from February to April ( The time of festival and plum flowers ), May to June ( waterlogged fields ) and the autumn, from September ( the season of golden rice fields ). These seasons offer temperate weather, making the ride more enjoyable. 

The winter months, particularly November and December, are cool and dry but can be foggy, while January can be quite cold in the mountains, with temperatures around 5 degrees Celsius. It’s advisable for adv riders to avoid the rainy season, typically in June and July, as the roads can be more challenging during this time and sometimes can have landslides – negative influences on the safety of the trip. 

adv rider riding on rocky road on northwest loop vietnam - best motorcycle rides in Vietnam

3. Phong Nha to Khe Sanh – Paradise to Battleground Motorcycle Ride in Vietnam


  • Karst Limestone: Panoramic views of towering cliffs along the route.
  • Dense Jungle: The trail is surrounded by lush jungle, providing a refreshing and wild backdrop for the ride
  • Cave: In Phong Nha national park, there are many beautiful cave systems, including Paradise cave, Son Dong cave known as the largest cave in the world.
  • Battlefield history, museum: This is a road located on an important route in the history of Vietnam’s resistance that is the Ho Chi Minh Trail, so there are many historical battlefields, war museums in this land that you can visit.

cave system in Phong Nha - best motorcycle rides in Vietnam

Type of terrains: 

  • Paved road with some rough section
  • Steep inclines

Phong Nha to Khe Sanh route winding mountain route - best motorcycle rides in Vietnam

Time to ride: 

The best time for adv riders to explore this motorbike ride is during the dry season from January to May and August to October when the weather is more favorable ( from 25°C to 35°C). Additionally, the roads are in better condition to have the best experience for your motorcycle ride. 

4. Hai Van pass – Iconic Coast Motorcycle Ride in Vietnam


  • Mountain view:  Riders will be surrounded by the rugged beauty of the Annamite Range, with lush jungles and misty peaks.
  • Sea landscape: The pass provides breathtaking views of the East Sea, with the road winding along the coastline. 

Hai Van pass bird eyes view - best motorcycle rides in Vietnam

Type of terrains

  • Smooth paved road
  • Switchbacks
  • Moderate inclines

hairpin turn of Hai Van pass - best motorcycle rides in Vietnam

Time to ride: 

The best time to the motorcycle ride to the Hai Van Pass is during the dry season, from late February to early August, when the weather is more favorable and the views are clear. And particularly, the pass is most beautiful in the early morning (between 4-6 AM.) and around sunset (4-6 PM), offering cooler temperatures and mesmerizing light conditions.

5. Da Lat to Central highland – The Lush Highland Motorcycle Ride in Vietnam


  • Lush Jungles: The journey takes you through dense jungles, where vibrant green foliage surrounds you. The air is thick with the scent of tropical plants and provides a cool respite from the sun.
  • Forests: Riding through pine forests is a serene experience. The tall, straight pine trees create a unique atmosphere.
  • Coffee Plantations: The Central Highlands are known for their coffee cultivation. You’ll pass by rolling hills covered.
  • Traditional Villages: Along the way, you’ll encounter charming villages. These communities like: Ede, Bana, Jrai ethnic groups … .etc maintain their cultural heritage, and you might glimpse locals wearing traditional clothing or trying some local foods there. 

beautiful waterfall in central highland Vietnam - best motorcycle rides in Vietnam

Type of terrain

  • Paved road 
  • Steep inclines
  • Switchbacks

beautiful road under the pine trees - best motorcycle rides in Vietnam

Time to ride

The best time to take a motorcycle ride is from November to April, when the weather is clear and the scenery is more gorgeous to see and discover. Also, it’s advisable for adv riders to avoid the rainy season ( From June to October ) due to poor visibility and slippery roads. 

Tips for riding in different terrains

Rocky roads

  • Ways to ride: The rocky mountain roads demand attention. Maintain a steady pace and use your body’s weight to help steer the bike around obstacles. Gentle throttle control and avoiding sudden braking are key to a smooth ride.
  • Weather condition: During the rainy season, which lasts from May to October, the lush landscapes are often accompanied by heavy rainfall, increasing the risk of landslides and slippery surfaces. Equipping oneself with durable, non-slip gloves is essential for maintaining a firm grip, while waterproof attire is crucial to stay dry and comfortable. Additionally, consider the possibility of sudden weather changes and prepare accordingly with gear that can adapt to both wet and dry conditions.

Trail Roads

  • Ways to ride: Trail roads require a different approach. Engage lower gears for better control and use the bike’s pegs to stand up when traversing uneven surfaces. This stance helps absorb shocks and keeps you balanced.
  • Weather condition: During the wet season, riders should be prepared for muddy trails that can significantly challenge the motorcycler’s traction, making it essential to have tires suitable for wet and slippery conditions. 
  • Conversely, the dry season often brings about dusty trails, which can reduce visibility and necessitate protective gear such as a dust mask and visor wipes to keep your vision clear. Additionally, the fluctuating weather patterns in Vietnam mean that sudden rain showers can occur even in the dry season, so waterproof gear and a flexible itinerary are advisable.

Coastal roads

  • Ways to ride: Coastal roads expose riders to the whims of the sea breeze. Lean slightly into the wind for stability and grip the handlebars without tensing up. Approach curves with caution, reducing speed to counteract unexpected showers. 
  • Weather condition: From November to December, which marks the rainy season in the Central regions. The beauty of the coastline is matched by the potential for sudden and severe weather changes, including storms, floods, strong winds, and heavy rains, all of which can pose significant challenges to adv riders. Prior to setting out, checking the weather forecast is not just a recommendation—it’s a necessity for safety. Adv riders should be prepared with waterproof gear and plan their routes to avoid areas known for flooding.

Rural roads 

  • Ways to ride: For rural roads, there aren’t too many obstacles or challenges for drivers. However, you must also be careful with your driving speed and observe the surrounding roads. Because rural roads sometimes have many nooks and alleys, children may suddenly run out, so if you drive at high speeds, you will certainly cause unforeseen consequences. Additionally, on the way, there are many cows, buffaloes, and goats that locals graze, so you also need to pay attention when riding a motorcycle.
  • Weather condition: Most rural areas do not have too many obstacles regarding harsh weather conditions. However, when riding motorbike in Vietnam during the summer, the temperatures can be quite high, so you should equip yourself with necessary items to avoid the heat, and supplement with electrolytes and mineral water. In some rural areas, it can be difficult to find fully-equipped convenience stores, making the search quite strenuous. Therefore, preparing these items before your trip will be very useful for your motorcycle journey.

Read more>>>Best guide to ride motorbike in Vietnam for beginner 2023


From breathtaking coastal cruises to challenging mountain passes, Vietnam offers a great variety of motorcycle rides unlike any other for adv riders. We will equip you with the knowledge and skills to navigate these diverse landscapes. Start your engine and discover the magic of Vietnam!

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